
“Wisdom is knowing I am nothing,
Love is knowing I am everything,
and between the two my life moves.”
― Nisargadatta Maharaj


Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery

I’m Sharol, an Isha Classical Yoga Teacher and Bob Proctor Mindset Coach obsessed with the mechanics of the human system – and I’m yet to find anything as comprehensive as the yogic science. I help people better understand themselves, empowering them in physical, emotional and mental wellbeing using simple yogic tools. Here you will find everything you need to become the very best version of yourself and live an abundant and fulfilled life. 

Like most people, I've faced challenges that shaped my early years. Yet, I discovered that our greatest challenges can be our greatest gifts. Guided by mentors like Tony Robbins and Bob Proctor as well as transformative meditation practices like Vipassana Meditation and Classical Yoga and Kriya, my life took an extraordinary turn. Today, blessed with nearly two decades of experience in personal development, yoga, and holistic health, I am here to support and guide seekers in their own transformation journey.


Your Worth, Your Potential and Unleashing Abundance

You are worth more than you can imagine. Abundance in all Health, Happiness, and Wealth is not just a distant dream; it's your birthright. Bob Proctor guided me immensely in my abundance journey and that is precisely why I guide people just like you though his coaching program 'Thinking Into Results'. It was .

Over 24-weeks, you will uncover the layers that are holding you back, and more importantly how to systematically shift your subconscious mind and energy and achieve the success you desire.

You can learn more about Elite Coaching Programs Here.


The Longing for More and Classical Yoga

The power of Classical Yoga has been my compass, steering me towards a life of purpose and fulfilment. I am eternally grateful to my Guru who illuminated my path. Now with his blessing, it's my turn to transmit the phenomenal science of Yoga in its purest form to illuminate yours. 

If you are looking for the real thing, this is it. This profound science is a technology that takes care of your wellbeing and systematically prepares you to explore the higher dimensions of life. 

No matter where you are in life, yoga has something transformative for you. You may be struggling with mental health, stress, anxiety, relationships or looking for holistic wellbeing or perhaps you are wondering what the deeper meaning of life is. Rest assured, Yoga has something for you.

You can learn more about Classical Yoga Offerings Here.




If you are you ready to transform...

It all begins with a single decision. Here you will find a variety of offerings to help you evolve. If you are not sure where to start, simply schedule a complementary 20 minute Discovery Call and together let's uncover the ways in which I can serve you best. 

Sharol x